Sunday, July 15, 2007

I got a new toy!!! (Friday July 13th, 2007)

My mom finally got away from the computer. She hogs it a lot lately. I'm playing catch up again! This is me on Friday the 13th. While we were out we dropped into the Menagerie. We did this because I'm still driving my humans nutso because I go on my pee pad once then somewhere else the next time so we went to the Menagerie in search of this stuff to spray where they want me to go! The got the stuff to spray where they don't want me to go now it seem's they have stuff to spray where they do want me to go! Wow...... the puppy business is the business to be in, we found the stuff.... it was $20.00 and when mom got it home she discovered it's pretty much only amonia. She says it better work or she's writing the company. She's real good at that. :-)

While at the Menagerie she found me this really neat ball. It has knobs all over it and I just love it. It's nice and hard rubber and feels just like my kong and it is even coloured like my kong. I'm having lots of fun with this.


PreciOus said...

About the spray where they want us to go, I had it too when I was learning the correct place to potty. Pawsonally, it don't works for me. Unfortunately, scolding do. Geez.


Duke said...

Hi Christaligia,

How did you get your name? It's really different!
It looks like your Friday the 13th went pretty good!

Love ya lots,

Christaligia said...

Oh boy, I hope my mom doesn't resort to scolding. I pee'd outside yesterday and she was really happy. Funny what makes her happy. hehehe

Christaligia said...

I was named for two really special people. Christa is for Dr. Christopher Drabant, my Vet. And Ligia is for Ligia, his sweet technician. My mom used to take her Chinchilla, Tiffany, to them. So that's how my name came about. :-)