Sunday, December 23, 2007

It's getting close....

Mom says some fat guy named Santa is coming soon. In a couple of days! And he'll bring me prezzies!! woof woof. Last night Auntie Charlotte called to tell us that Shyanne was a bad girl but so funny she had to tell us. Auntie Charlotte had earlier wrapped up a few presents for Shyanne and put them under the tree for her. She told Shyanne they were hers but she had to wait until Christmas. But it seems Shyanne had a different idea so when Auntie Charlotte went out Shyanne went to the tree, picked one present (one of her presents) and gently opened it to play with because she was bored!!!! Naughty naughty Shyanne!! But very funny and smart!

I have no prezzies under the tree yet. Mom is scared I'll eat the paper cause I still eat everything in sight. We went shopping yesterday to finish our holiday shopping and we met a nice girl who's doggie is also going through her first heat. I was being a very good girl so the lady said she hoped her doggie was as good as I am during her first heat. Mom keeps telling me I'll have babies by this time next year. I wonder what that will be like.....

Today we are going to the $ store and it's one of my favourite places because beside it is BOBO's!! I loveeeeeee Bobo's. This is where mom gets all my organic treats and rawhides and everything else. It's the only place mom buys my rawhide and treats from because she was so shocked one day when she went to the PU store and to Cdn Tire and read the packages. She tells all doggy mom's to read the packages! If you look at the package of rawhide and read the instructions on even the major brands it tells you to wash your hands after you touch them!!! And you are suppose to feed these to your babies???? Mom won't.

Well.... time to put on my harness and get ready for a ride to the store. Wonder if we'll go to Bobo's and buy me a treat??? hmmmmmm yummy.......

Sunday, December 16, 2007

huh? What's that white stuff??

Well, mom was laid up with her crappy back and so we went out and did some shopping Saturday. What a shock I got! There was this white stuff flying all over the place! I don't like to get wet so mom pulled a blankie around me and I adjusted to that stuff. I licked some! hehe We went shopping and mom bought herself a nice new pot with some of her birthday money and she bought a friend a Christmas present and then she went to the doggie dept...... wow wow bow wow, she bought a whole bunch of squeek Christmas toys for all our friends!! Yeah whooooooo I can't wait to give them out.

Saturday night we all went to our neighbours home for a Christmas party and mom took Shyanne's present for her, a big calico/shearling bone. Shyanne is so smart, she's part huskie, she took her pressie and she held it with one paw and gently tore bits of paper off until she heard it squeek then she ripped it off. It was funny and she loved her new toy. Mom even bought me a couple but I can't see them until Christmas.

Today (Sunday) we stayed inside all day, there's way too much snow. Mom doesn't remember this much snow since she was a kid. hmmmm that's a long time ago! So much snow that mom won't get out for a few days because her scooter won't go through it, it's way too deep.

My nanna and mom have been noticing a lot more changes in me these past few days. I come all the time now when I'm called, and if I've got my nose in something I shouldn't all they have to do is call me and say no and I stop. They say they are overjoyed!

Today we started putting up the Christmas tree. I didn't even bark at it! We have a tree in the apt.!!! This is strange but I was a very good girl and didn't do anything bad. Mom put really pretty little lights all on it and it has cranberries on it and silver, blue and red shiny beads. She says it takes her days to decorate the tree because she likes to take her time. She says decorations are next and they are all made of pewter and hand blown glass and crystal. And then the last step is the little red velvet bows. I can't wait to see it. It sounds really pretty.

Mom says there will be no other decorations around the apt. this year though because she is so far behind. But that's ok, I like just the tree :-)

Oh...... we went to Bobo's again on Saturday and they gave me a treat!! Yup..... it's a all natural cookie and has yogurt on it and it's shaped like a mitten! *lick* I can't wait to have that but mom's gonna put it under the tree for me too.

I hope Dr. Drabant can still come and get me later this week to take me to the groomer, I need it, my fur is really long. I'm still going through "heat" and this is quite the experience for me. Sometimes it seems I don't know if I'm coming or going and I really like to get loves and lots of cuddles more than I normally do but that's ok too cause nanna and my mom lovvvveeee to give loves :-)

Time for beddy-bye for me. It's almost midnight and I still have to go and say night-night to my nanna before I head to my crate. Night night all :-)

Friday, December 14, 2007

ummm what's this???

My mom left the computer for a bit... heheheh Last night something happened and mom says I'm growing up even more. Seems I am in heat for the first time. It's a wee bit yukky but mom says she knew it was coming because I'm doing nutso things. Like I have a favourite stuffed doggie and a week ago I started humping it! Poor mom and nanna almost fell off their chairs... lol So now I'm a bigger girl and mom tells me later next year some time I'm going to have some puppies. Just one or two times though then I go to see Dr. Drabant and he does an operation on me and I won't have puppies any more. That's ok too though :-)

Saturday, December 8, 2007

I've missed everyone

It's been a long while since I've sat here but a lot has been happening lately. My mom turned 50!! hehehehe she says she's feeling old. My nanna turned 82!!! I found out I don't like balloons. Nanna and mom's friends bought them each a shiny bright helium balloon. I sit under them and bark and bark and bark. They had to put the balloons in nanna's bedroom and when I go in there, I bark at them in there too. Oh...... I discovered the puppy in Nanna's bedroom too, the one in the mirror!! I lay on the floor in front of it and talk to the nice puppy and try to play with it. One day I looked behind the mirror and the puppy went away!

Mom has been really busy with her Seniors program she runs and I'm loving it. The elders love me and let me come to events. They think I'm so cute and funny too. Mom says they don't know the half of it.

Things are changing for me too. I'm a bigger girl now. I am over 8 months old now and I'm now potty trained both inside and outside! TA-DA! *tail wag* Things have been great this way for a few weeks now. Mom and nanna say they're relieved. I dance too! I get up on my hind legs and do a dance :-) I've even changed my food as of today. My mom is still battling those same health issues and now last weekend she put her back out so our Vet felt bad for her and he brought me my new food today!! Wow Bow Wow! Did I ever like it! YUMMY for my tummy!! And Dr. Drabant said he will come and pick me up one day soon before Christmas and take me back to his office and have the groomer make me real pretty for the holidays.

I'm learning how to be sneaky too. Mom has caught me licking up the last of her milk and even her coffee one day! (good thing it sits around and gets cold) She turned her back for a minute. She should know better by now. That's all it takes.

Mom's been buying me things, neat things. She sells Avon and they have all sorts of neat gifts for doggies so she's been putting in some orders for herself. I'll have to get her to take some pictures soon. I got this lovely leopard rolled blanket specially for me on the sofa now. And a flashy light up in the night leash too!! Neato!!

I gotta go..... mom got some extra funding for her seniors for Christmas (to buy them all gifts - whoohooo) so she wants the computer to write the nice people a big thank you for thinking of them and donating the money.

Night night .....