Saturday, July 21, 2007

Tuesday July 17th, 2007

My mom took a nice long day off everything and her and my nanna and I went all the way down to Lower Spadina and Queens Quay and spent a lot of the day at the Music Garden.

This is the entrance of the Music Garden. Well not really the entrance but it's a big part of it. On weekends there is a Chamber Music group that plays here!!

This is one of many pathways throughout the Music Garden. Each path is filled with lots of types of flowers and plants.

All these flowers and plants attract other things.......

Like this little guy!!! Mom says this is a bumble bee and to watch out because if you aggravate him he can hurt you. I don't want to be hurt so I just stayed in mom's basket and watched him.

He is awful cute though :-)

There's thousands and thousands of flowers. These are only some of them. If you want to see more of my day and what we saw at the music garden scroll down and click on my 'flickr' badge in the menu on the right of my blog. :-)

And last but certainly not least..... this is "Charlie". Charlie is a Heron and we discovered him over by Harbourfront. The man beside him says he visits every day and just sits there with him. Charlie doesn't mind people for some reason but you can only get so close to him. About 4 feet away then he gets a bit nervous. Charlie was really nice, and he posed for pictures for us too. I stayed very quiet and didn't bark. I was a good doggy.


Duke said...

What a fun place to visit - a music garden! Mom is wishing that she lived a whole lot closer to you!
Charlie is cute!

Love ya lots,

Christaligia said...

Hi Maggie, It's lots of fun. Sometime go to my flickr page and see the rest of the pictures.