Sunday July 8th, 2007
Do you believe this? Check out the pink in my hair. It's only pink now but when it started it was beet red!
While we were out shopping on Saturday this lady just fell in love with me and had to kiss me......... and she had red red lipstick on which obviously wasn't the kind made to stick on for the day!
After she kissed my little head she exclaimed "Oh, I got my lipstick on her"! Duh..... so I went around with a big red blotch on my head for the rest of the day.
Oh, btw, the same day we took that stupid purple ball back to that big named pet place and guess what? They tried to blame it on me! Little me and when that didn't work they tried blaming it on mom. Mom's not going there any more. That's ok, seems everything only has to go back and it's disappointing for me.
Hehe, what can I say? You are just too irresistable. =D
What a cutie you are! I can well understand the lipstick on top of your head! My head is constantly pink too believe it or not!
Love ya lots,
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