Friday, July 20, 2007

Dirty face....... (Monday the 16th evening)

Today was not the greatest day for me. I went to see my Vet whom I just love but all things didn't go so well. He clipped my toenails for me and I liked that! I really needed it too. And he gave me the last of all my needles and I was good for that too! But....... he then decided it was time to clip my fur on my face a bit because it was getting so long and boy oh boy....... I growled like mom's never heard before when that clipper went on. And I barked..... loud..... and I lunged at one of my favourite humans and snapped at him! He couldn't keep me still and had to muzzle me for a bit. I was a bad girl for him. I don't like the clippers.

Later that day I just layed around and I even threw up a bit. Last time I got my shots I did too. :-( That night though I was fine and we went to the park and I found me a nice patch of dirt and rolled in it!! hehehehe mom had a fit. She took some pictures to try to get my dirty little face but you really can't see it in these.

I'm starting to like a dirty face and patches of dirt :-)


Duke said...

YIKES Christaligia! I guess your mom needs to desensitize you to those clippers. You're a doggy that needs a haircut once in awhile! I actually like it - it feels good and it makes you look pretty and you get hugs and kisses and compliments. I hope you make progress in this department. Keep us updated, okay?

Love ya lots,

Anonymous said...

I hope you get used to the clippers soon - you look very cute with your new haircut!
