Now I know why my mom hates Mondays.... we were both up all night running after me and my runs :-( At 11:00 pm last night we thought my new medicine was working but nope... at least not yet. And at about 3 am last night I was going in to feed my babies and when I jumped over the gate to get into the kitchen I knocked it down!! Babies... babies.. babies.. everywhere escaping! I barked for mom and she came and helped me get them all. She says I really wasn't much help considering I stood right in front of her while she tried to gather them up and get them on the other side of the gate again. lol Odd, she wasn't amused. Maybe it was the time.
I then left her one final huge stain on the carpet around 6:30 am. She is very happy she made the decision to have the carpet ripped up this coming weekend. Somehow between 6:30 am and 9 am I managed to hurt either my front paw or knee cause now I'm favouring it and mom doesn't know what to do. She will watch it and if it's not better by the end of the day, off to the vet again. She already has to go some time today to get my new food and the puppies food. The babies will start to eat now. They are old enough.
Mom is heading out for the day, Auntie Charlotte will babysit because one of my babies figured out how to literally climb the gate now and escape so mom has shopping to do and errands to run and make a new cloth gate instead of the netting. Seems their little claws work wonders in helping them climb that screening material..... mom never thought of that.
see ya later...
1 comment:
Hopefully your pups will be more content to sleep once they get some food in their little bellies, Christaligia. It'll give you and your mom a break!
We hope you heal up soon!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
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