June 25th & 26th, 2010
Have to play catch up here. :-) Yesterday (Friday the 25th) mom turned into Linda Blair from the Exorcist. She was not happy. She went shopping for me, my babies and my nanna and when she came out of the mall (College Park) this is what she was greeted with!!
A wall of police in full riot gear!!! She never has seen so many police in this City. Not even when the Queen came to visit us. This is all because of the G20 summit in Toronto and mom is fuming about it. All that money wasted and this all makes Toronto (or Canada for that matter) look stupid and unsafe and we have even seen tv reports in the U.S. that say to stay away from our beautiful city!! I swear I saw green stuff flying out of mom's ears about this. I think her eyes rolled back in her head too! Here is also what greeted her..
She couldn't get past. She couldn't even move! Mom says this kind of thing doesn't impress her in the least and she doesn't support it either. Almost every store in the mall was closed due to this but mom didn't know why it was that way until she left the mall and was confronted by this. So, all those people that worked in that mall had to take the day off. Who is going to pay them? There are several small independant stores in there and they all had to close for the day. Mom says if you have an issue (which she does about this summit too, she thinks everyone that voted to have this summit here should lose their jobs lol. She actually thinks these gov't leaders should do these summits by video conference and save us all the grief and expense) then find another way to get your point across without causing other people hardships like losing a day's pay or an entire day's business. Mom had to stand there forever waiting for all these people to finally get past so she could get to the hospital to see nanna. Boy was she mad. Did I just see her head spin????? hmmmm
Well, onto bigger and better things... my babies!! :-) Here are some pics we took today. All of my babies can escape from the box now with ease. I had to wake mom up in the middle of the night again to help me put them all back in. I couldn't get them all together myself.
My babies have found one of my favourite places to be. Right in front of the refrigerator. Sneaky ones! They have taken my place there.
And of course, my little trouble maker. My smallest baby who seems to have figured out how to at least peek over the gate!!! Mom will have to raise the gate now but it will make it more difficult for me to get over it now. This baby is a little devil. :-)
I'm still a sicky little girl myself and we are going back to the Vet tomorrow to see Daddy Chris. I had mom up 3 times last night with wicked poopies. Mom said she never saw a dog poop water before and it wasn't nice. She felt very sorry for me and gave me a bit of pepto bismol at 4:30 am and so far, so good. I hate that stuff but mom took some Pure Bites Chicken and literally dipped it in the pink stuff and I ate it that way. It was the only way to get it into me because when I saw her original idea, in a syringe, I ran away! It was pink! I know what that colour means, stinky yukky stuff. Mom took a "sample" to the vet's office yesterday and they are going to grow cultures to see what, if anything, is going on. We have been back and forth but samples so far are showing nothing. We are all wondering if it's just the stress of the puppies and mom away a lot and nanna away all the time... and it's been pretty hot too but mom always leaves at least the fan on us if not the A/C.
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