Thursday, June 10, 2010

We had our one week birthday! Thurs. June 10th 2010

Lots has happened this week, some good, some not so good. Nanna took another bad turn and ended back in the other regular hospital. She is back in the rehab hospital again now but is still having breathing problems because she has fluid on her lungs :-( She will get better though, they gave her something to pee! hehehe

In the meantime we have been little devils. All of us. Mom took nanna to the other hospital and didn't get home until 6 am today. I didn't like being left all alone and not being in the bedroom with mom at night so I left mom a little treat. I left her what Auntie Sheri calls a DQ Swirl (Dairy Queen). A great big poop in Nanna's room on her throw carpet!!! Mom couldn't believe it when she saw it. I'm also on a barking binge. Mom has no idea what started it on Wednesday but she thinks the man that came to fix her scooter might have scared me a bit with all the noise he made and now I'm barking at everything, even in the night. The slightest sound sets me off. Mom says she's going to pull her hair out soon if it doesn't stop. I don't listen to her about this. My babies are starting to get a little louder too! They make a sound almost like a little kitty. grrrrrr No kitty sounds! Maybe that's why I'm barking??? :-)

And my babies! Well they are all just getting to be chunky monkeys. And monkeys they are, all over the place they crawl on their tummies. And they are greedy little things. Always hanging off me. Even when I stand up!! They don't want to let go. They turned one week old on Tuesday. Mom and our neighbour Greg weighed them all today and they weigh in ounces: 16.75 !! Yes, one is over a lb now! 14.20 oz, 12.00 oz, 11.65 oz, 13.00 oz, and 12.35 oz Here are some new pics.

This is my sister, I love her :-)

Everyone in their place :-)

Someone is missing! Mom is always taking a head count. ooops there she is... look closely between my two front paws. One always hides here or by my bum.

We either sleep this way, or like the next picture.

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