Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Saturday June 23rd, 2007

I am so trying to get all caught up but my mom hogs the computer and my little paws only type so fast. Friday the 22nd and Saturday the 23rd my mom and nanna hogged the entire days to themselves. Mom had meetings on Friday and Saturday was a day of running errands all over the place. Mom got upset when she found out her favourite Black's Photography store was closing down. She has used it for many years in the Cumberland Mall at Bloor & Yonge. Mom is a photography nut. She even had her 15 minutes of glory when the Toronto Star published a photo she took of a fire on the front page and gave her full photography credit and even paid her! Wow.... Anyway, after going here and there for a few hours we went down to Church St. to scooter around and check out the Pride festivities for that day.

I have never been petted so much in my life!! Everyone wanted to pet me. So many oooooh's..... and 'oh so cute's' and all sorts of people came up to my mom and asked if they could pet me and she said yes. I was in my glory!! All this attention, I must not let it go to my curly little head.

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