Sunday, September 9, 2007

I was over at Maggie & Mitch's blog and they were playing a game called Scattergories. So I decided to try the game while mom was getting ready to go out.

The rules are: You use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions. They must be real places, names, things…nothing made up! If you can’t think of anything, skip it. You can’t use your own name for the boy/girl name question. I know my name is Christaligia but I answer to Ligia too so I'm using the letter L.

1. Famous Singer -- Luciano Pavarotti
2. Four Letter Word -- LOVE
3. Street – Logan
4. Color -- Lavender
5. Gifts -- Lace scarf
6. Vehicle -- Lamborgini
7. Things in a souvenir shop – License plates
8. Boy name -- Luca
9. Girl name -- Lucrezia
10. Movie Title -- Lethal Weapon
11. Drink -- Lemonade
12. Occupation -- Lawyer
13. Celebrity – Liam Neeson
14. Magazine – Ladies Home Journal
15. U. S. city – Lubbock, Tx = and since I'm Canadian, Cdn City = London
16. Pro sports – Leafs (Toronto Maple)
17. Fruit -- Lemon
18. Reason for being late for work – Lazy
19. Something You Throw Away -- leftovers (old ones)
20. Things You Shout – Look!!!
21. Cartoon Character -- Lambchop


Duke said...

Awesome answers! You're very smart for a youngster!
Isn't that just such a fun game!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Goofy said...

this is a nice game, right? fun thinking of all sorts of things from our name.. four letter word.. LOVE!!!!!

PreciOus said...

Hi Ligia! Nice answers, I enjoyed reading it! Erm, I didn't know about Lampchop but he sounds delicious. *Slurp*


Christaligia said...

It was lots of fun! I'm glad I went and looked :-)

Christaligia said...

Hi Goofy.... I get lots of LOVE. It's my favourite word. :-)

Christaligia said...

Precious!! Nooooooo you don't eat Lambchop!!! hahaha silly. Lambchop is a puppet. I'll have my mom post a picture of lambchop and her mom :-)