Friday, August 24, 2007

Wayyyyyy to long......

Hi everyone *tailwag*. I'm sorry it's been so long since I wrote but it's been very busy here lately. My mom is a volunteer and runs a big seniors program and she just got a $32,000 grant to run it and has run into problems with her building owner now getting some extra space so she's had her hands full with that. And my poor Nanna fell down and hurt herself so she's still on the mend. She got some wicked bruises :-( Poor Nanna. She hurt her arm and her hip. I on the other hand have been a handfull too........ yeahhhhhhh puppy power!!! I will try to play catch up here now.

As you all know, I went to the groomer! oooooooohhhhhh Mom thought for sure I'd go nutso since I don't like loud noises, especially the sound of the blow dryer.... Well of course I had to make a big liar out of her as she told this to Carol the Groomer. When they came back for me, Carol told us I was good as gold. Through all of it!! Never even growled as my toenails got clipped, in my ears got done, shampoo'd, rinsed, blow dry!!! Even when she put the bows in my ears and the bandana on me. :-) So here are a few small pics (you can see the bigger ones on my flickr acct.) Before and afters. Btw, as soon as I got home I ripped off the bandana. These are my before pics.....

These are my "after" pics....... The scarf is off!!! heheheh

See how "fluffy" I am???????

Now I got that scarf off it's time to play! This is my purple puppy and I loveeeee him. Can you tell?


Goofy said...

hey u look so fluffy... you look so....erm...round...ooopss.. ok but still looks great and mostly huggable!!!!
and oh..pity nanna... is she ok by now?

Anonymous said...

You look beautiful with your new furcut - it sure is really fluffy - makes you look like a puppy!!


Christaligia said...

Hi River, I turned 5 months old yesterday.... Puppy Power!!! I'm still full of it. ahemmmm the puppy power that is :-)

Christaligia said...

Round??? Goofy did you say Round??? wahhhhhhh *giggles* That's ok, it did look like I had a lot more fur when I came out of there. My Nanna is still on the mend, she's 81 so it takes longer.

Anonymous said...

Hi Christaligia. Thanks for your post. It's so nice to hear from a new friend. You are precious and adorable ! I didn't get vaccinated for kennel cough because my (former) vet didn't I needed it but after two bouts of it in three months - and this one was a zinger - it's obvious she was wrong. So now I'm getting it, although my Mama is rethinking the whole vaccination thing. But that's another book. Stay in touch, fluffy! xxxChef

PreciOus said...

Oh dear, hope your Nanna gets well soon.

You look like a polar bear cub, very cute!


Christaligia said...

Hi Chef..... oooh bad Vet! I had my shot and after hearing what you went through I'm glad I did. Keep well.

Christaligia said...

Hi Precious..... hehehe that's what my mom said!! Just like a little baby polar bear.

Duke said...

You're such a doll!
We're back from our vacation! We had such a great time but we're all very glad to be home! We missed you!

Love ya lots,

Christaligia said...

Hi Maggie!! Did you have a good time?? Hey tell Mitch I taught myself how to take stairs! I must get my mom to download the pictures and show him. Did he learn the stairs yet?

PreciOus said...

Hi Christaligia, checking in to see if you're fine. How's your Nanna? Hope she has recover. And hope your mom is not too busy to bring you out. =)


Christaligia said...

Hi Precious! *tailwags* I'm here but mom is so busy it isn't funny. We did go out yesterday though over to the waterfront and I loved it. I met some doggies and some people and they played with me :-)

My nanna isn't so good. She really hurt herself and mom says we are waiting for the x-rays now to see if she didn't make a hairline fracture :-( It really hurts her so I'm trying to be as good as I can for a 5 month old.