Friday, August 24, 2007

Wayyyyyy to long......

Hi everyone *tailwag*. I'm sorry it's been so long since I wrote but it's been very busy here lately. My mom is a volunteer and runs a big seniors program and she just got a $32,000 grant to run it and has run into problems with her building owner now getting some extra space so she's had her hands full with that. And my poor Nanna fell down and hurt herself so she's still on the mend. She got some wicked bruises :-( Poor Nanna. She hurt her arm and her hip. I on the other hand have been a handfull too........ yeahhhhhhh puppy power!!! I will try to play catch up here now.

As you all know, I went to the groomer! oooooooohhhhhh Mom thought for sure I'd go nutso since I don't like loud noises, especially the sound of the blow dryer.... Well of course I had to make a big liar out of her as she told this to Carol the Groomer. When they came back for me, Carol told us I was good as gold. Through all of it!! Never even growled as my toenails got clipped, in my ears got done, shampoo'd, rinsed, blow dry!!! Even when she put the bows in my ears and the bandana on me. :-) So here are a few small pics (you can see the bigger ones on my flickr acct.) Before and afters. Btw, as soon as I got home I ripped off the bandana. These are my before pics.....

These are my "after" pics....... The scarf is off!!! heheheh

See how "fluffy" I am???????

Now I got that scarf off it's time to play! This is my purple puppy and I loveeeee him. Can you tell?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Friday August 10th, 2007

Weeeeeeeee another busy day out. Before we went though I thought I'd leave a little gift for my mom and nanna in the washroom. A little lesson about forgetting to shut the bathroom door..... hehehehe Ooooh I'm such a "tiny terror/devil dog" :-)

We headed out to our Vet to buy me some stuff!! Found out there were no toys, just food, pee pads and some of that stinky stuff they spray around where they don't want me to go. Yuck. I did get a chance though to see Ligia :-) My Vet's technician that I'm partly named after. She is beauuuuuutiful!!! and she gave me cuddles that I just loved.
We went up the Danforth though and this weekend is "The Taste of the Danforth"..... FOOD!! Turned out there wasn't any food yet, they were just starting to set up.

Even though they were just setting it up, it was around 2 pm and it was set to start around 4 pm there were still lots of people's around and some doggies!! The smell of the souvlaki cooking was driving my mom nuts, she loves it. Mom says later that night there will be over a million people packed on this stretch of Danforth Avenue over 2 days. Wow..... glad she said we weren't going. That's too many people.

This was on our way home and it was only around 3 pm. Lots and lots of people already.
Later that night we went out to the U. of T. again and I had some fun there in the park.
Mom told me a secret, I'm going to see the "groomer"!! YIKES!! Mom says we are clipping off about half of my fur/hair because it's getting too long and I'm going to have a really good bath too. I don't like this idea at all. Mom is going to warn the groomer that I don't like this kind of stuff and will really growl and may even try to snap at her. That's Monday though and I'm going to try to make the best of the weekend before that happens.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Saturday August 5th, 2007

This was a very busy day. Again we went all over the place and mom took lots of pictures. More pictures than we can put here but she made a page on the net for them so if you want to see them you can just click here to view them

First thing in the day we went to Crappy Tire (Cdn tire) and mom bought me a new crate. This one was bigger and I'll have more room in it. What mom doesn't know is I'm quite satisfied with the smaller one I'm in and later that night I let her know it. When we went to bed and I had to go in the new crate I growled and barked and dug in that crate. Then I cried and growled more and barked more until mom gave up at 12:30 am and got my old crate, put my towel and t-shirt back in it and then I went in it and went right to sleep... ahhhhh I love my old crate, small as it is. Mom figures she'll keep the bigger one for later some time.

Then we went over to the U. of T. again and wow oh wow...... lots of really pretty ladies were there and they were all in their wedding dresses!

And there were knights there fighting in the park too! Lots of loud banging when their swords hit each other! woooohoooo this was exciting!!

Then after that more fun!! Kiki and NuNu came to the park. Kiki and I love to wrestle and run and jump on each other and NuNu likes to watch us and visit my nanna and mom. This is Kiki and I tumbling over each other.

After we played for a while we headed out for City Hall again. We had lunch over there. Well, I had kibble but it was good too. While we were there we all made a new friend. It was a butterfly!! A "Painted Lady" and my she was sure pretty. She landed on my nanna's head!! hehehe and there she sat for a long, long time. Mom was laughing and grabbed the camera. Painted Lady stayed there for some time and then she flew off and landed on nanna's top! Mom got a picture of that too and then she took off again and landed on my mom's heel!! Here are a couple of the pictures....... After that we went home for a while then back out later that night for a bit more park time.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Friday August 3rd 2007

These past two days have been so full we are all ready to drop. On Friday we packed up the bbq stuff again and headed over to the islands with a friend of ours named Tom. Tom was fun, he played with me and even took me for a long walk to explore. He even took the grass out of my mouth when he caught me eating it.

I got a real treat too!!! Buddha was watching over me today because while mom was bbq'ing the chicken she went to turn one over and *Plop*! it hit the ground!! Well they couldn't eat it then so mom cleaned it off and put it aside for me later....... yeeeeeeehawwwwwwww people food!! All for me.!!! Wonderful, wonderful.. After the people ate and the picnic table was cleaned up mom picked apart some of the chicken from the dropped chicken thigh, the part with no bbq sauce and no skin on it and gave me some! *wow.... wow..... bow wow*... Can't you hear me smackin my lips??? It was terrific!

We spent hours over there and they breeze was so cool and I ran around in circles and even explored the water pump! I wasn't brave enough to step in it though, the water shoots out of it hard. Maybe next time. Nutso mom didn't take pictures but she swears she will when we go back again and we will go back again. When we got home back to the mainland we all went over to the U. of T. for a bit of playtime before going home and crashing for the day. Well..... except for me because I have puppy power and never slow down! *grins*

August 2nd, 2007

Whew...... it was so hot today. We left the comforts of home and the air conditioning and went out over to the U of T. I had another day of fun with my friends. I met a new girl named Julie, she is a pug. And Oliver the chihuahua. Ollie is the same age as me, 4 months and he has as much energy as me too!!! Look at us all play......

That's me.... with my big mouth!!!! Looks like I'm trying to eat Ollie's head. I'm not though, we are all just playing. I like Oliver, he has lots of spunk and isn't afraid of me but it freaks out mom and nanna when I pounce on Oliver. They are afraid I will hurt him he's so tiny. His mom and dad say it's ok though because he has a big brother, just like him but 9 lbs!! Holy smokes that's bigger than me, and his brother jumps and plays with him. Mom still gets scared though.

Not enough time in the day....

Mom says there is not enough time in the day to share this computer with her...... grrrrrr She is rattled because Yahoo is closing down it's photo options pages and she has tons and tons of pictures on there. From back to 2004. She says they give you the option to move all the photo albums over to flickr with one push of the button but she doesn't trust yahoo because one time she used to have a group and yahoo changed their groups and in the process were suppose to transfer all the pictures too that went with the group. Yahoo lost them all!!! So now mom has to sit here whenever she can, which isn't all that much, and download all those pictures in her yahoo albums onto this computer then burn a disc. Then when she knows they are all safe she will push that button for them to download them all over to flicker........ she is really annoyed..... too bad, so sad.

She wanted to bathe me today but looks like I got away with another dirty day!! :-) hehehe

Wednesday August 1st, 2007

I had lots of new experiences today. First of all we packed up a big bag with food (but not any I was allowed) and we headed for the Island again. Hanlan's Point. BBQ..... boy that bbq sure smells yummy. I get kibble.

At the island I discovered a new delicacy that made my mom go nutso. I found Canada Goose poop! Boy they poop a lot! Mom came yelling and opened my mouth and pulled it out. She said bad words too! oooooohh naughty mom. After that experience they watched every move I made for the rest of the day.

Later, after we came home on the ferry we went to what's becoming our favourite place to be. Over at the U of T. I met a new friend there. Her name is Maddy. That's short for Madeline and she was lots of fun to play with while my mom talked to her surrogate dad. This is Maddy. She's cute. And that white blob beside her is me..... there was some major overexposure going on that day with mom's camera.