Saturday, December 8, 2007

I've missed everyone

It's been a long while since I've sat here but a lot has been happening lately. My mom turned 50!! hehehehe she says she's feeling old. My nanna turned 82!!! I found out I don't like balloons. Nanna and mom's friends bought them each a shiny bright helium balloon. I sit under them and bark and bark and bark. They had to put the balloons in nanna's bedroom and when I go in there, I bark at them in there too. Oh...... I discovered the puppy in Nanna's bedroom too, the one in the mirror!! I lay on the floor in front of it and talk to the nice puppy and try to play with it. One day I looked behind the mirror and the puppy went away!

Mom has been really busy with her Seniors program she runs and I'm loving it. The elders love me and let me come to events. They think I'm so cute and funny too. Mom says they don't know the half of it.

Things are changing for me too. I'm a bigger girl now. I am over 8 months old now and I'm now potty trained both inside and outside! TA-DA! *tail wag* Things have been great this way for a few weeks now. Mom and nanna say they're relieved. I dance too! I get up on my hind legs and do a dance :-) I've even changed my food as of today. My mom is still battling those same health issues and now last weekend she put her back out so our Vet felt bad for her and he brought me my new food today!! Wow Bow Wow! Did I ever like it! YUMMY for my tummy!! And Dr. Drabant said he will come and pick me up one day soon before Christmas and take me back to his office and have the groomer make me real pretty for the holidays.

I'm learning how to be sneaky too. Mom has caught me licking up the last of her milk and even her coffee one day! (good thing it sits around and gets cold) She turned her back for a minute. She should know better by now. That's all it takes.

Mom's been buying me things, neat things. She sells Avon and they have all sorts of neat gifts for doggies so she's been putting in some orders for herself. I'll have to get her to take some pictures soon. I got this lovely leopard rolled blanket specially for me on the sofa now. And a flashy light up in the night leash too!! Neato!!

I gotta go..... mom got some extra funding for her seniors for Christmas (to buy them all gifts - whoohooo) so she wants the computer to write the nice people a big thank you for thinking of them and donating the money.

Night night .....


Duke said...

How nice to hear from you, Christaligia!! Sounds like you've been keeping busy by growing up! Happy belated birthday to your mom!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

PreciOus said...

Hi Christaligia sweetie!

I've missed you too! Wow you are 8month old now! Soon, you'll be a true lady, but, I'm sure you'll still be just as sweet and adorable!
