Monday, May 11, 2009


Quick....... while mom's not at the computer. Happy Mother's Day to mom and nanna and all the other doggie mom's out there!! Speaking of Doggie mom's... my mom and nanna are looking for a boyfriend for me! Auntie Sheri wants a "Ligia" baby. hmmmmm does this mean if they find me a boyfriend I'll get fat?? I think I might want a baby, hope they can find me a suitable boyfriend. I want one that looks a lot like me and is a smart cookie too!

Speaking of extended family, the birds (no names yet) must be getting used to us. I only barked at them once or twice today but mom kept catching me giving them the eye. They're moving around more and making more noise. At least they sleep all night. Yesterday Nanna said they did quite the performance while mom was out. Mom missed it. We are keeping an eye on them since they both were outside in the wild for a bit. Mom took a movie of them today :-) Here is one of the movies:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Hey!! This is my house...... OUT!!

The weather has been great so we have been out a lot and my mom is really busy with lawyers and such getting her own non-profit charitable # for her seniors program so we haven't been blogging lately but I just had to blog about this! They tell me it's Karma but I have another word for it.... yuck!! This is my home.. my territory and I'm very protective about it but my mom says I have to be nice and quit barking at our new family members. They better not ever try taking my place on the sofa! I am Queen of the sofa!!

A week ago my mom and nanna were going along our street when they reached some old Victoria homes and a pizza place up the street. Well the pizza guy was about to start his car when my mom starts yelling at him and waving her arms for him not to go. There on the road, right in front of his right front tire was a bird. I was curious since it didn't look like any bird I've ever seen before. Mom started to try to catch it. There was a nice man outside one of the houses and he helped her. The little birdie didn't seem to be able to fly too high up or for long distances so somehow they managed to catch him/her. They put the man's sweater over the bird and then another man came out of one of the houses and he had a bird box!!! Like one when you buy a budgie bird!! Mom was shocked, she couldn't believe it and he gave it to her to put the little birdie in.

From there mom and nanna took the little bird to a local exotic pet store and the man opened the box and was shocked!! His eyes got realllllll big and he got a big smile on his face too. He told mom she had an African Fischer Love Bird! Wow..... mom was happy to learn what the little bird was. The man asked her what she wanted to do and she asked him if he could keep it for a while to see if someone claims it. So the man said sure and if no one comes for it mom can keep it and that the bird looked a bit dehydrated and he'll care for it for a week to see if someone comes for it.

Every day we looked for lost notices but didn't find any in our area. I think mom was hoping there wouldn't be any. Thursday night mom called the man to see how the birdie was and he said it was great and there was another one now too!! HOLY MOLY! Two of those things??? He told her that a few hours after she dropped this birdie into the exotic shop a man came by and did the very same thing! He asked mom to come today and pick them both up.
So..... that's were we were today. Mom went and picked up BOTH these birdies!! She bought them all sorts of stuff. She had a cage but she bought them toys!! And food, and treats!! Only I am suppose to get those kinds of things, I'm Queen of the house!! I'm 2 whole years old now and this is my domain. grrrr
While mom was setting up this big cage for them I found them in their box........ I growled and I started to bark at them. Mom just about pitched a fit. She told me that it was bad to bark at the birdies. They were my friends. Well..... huff huff I don't think so!!
I kept barking and barking. Even when mom took the birdies out of the box and put them in the cage. Bark bark..... I must let them know who is Queen here! Mom and nanna tried to take my mind off them but they kept chirping and fluttering around so I kept barking.

We went out again and I was away from them for a few hours and when I came home I didn't bark at them at all :-) Mom and nanna gave me lots of attention and loves and even treats. Oh, and mom bought me a new ball too when she bought the birdies some toys.

Here I am watching them....... I have to keep an eye on them to be sure they don't try to take over my territory. Mom was saying to nanna that she hopes tomorrow is a bit easier with my "jealousy" and "being territorial". And that I knock off the barking at the birdies.

Mom told me that she is signing me up at "Who's Walking Who" for some extra training, even though I am a good girl. Just to smooth up those rough edges I still have.... hehehehehe
I'm going to try to be a good girl tomorrow and not scare the birdies so much. And not bark so much either.
Btw, we don't know if they are boy/girl or girl/girl or boy/boy. Turns out these type of love birds are identical and the only way to really find out for sure is with a DNA test. So.... if we get an egg we'll know and Auntie Sheri will be getting a bird! lol