December 12th, 2008
My mom is so bad, she hogs the computer all the time. Last month she hogged it so much her hard drive fried. So now she has a new puter.
I had a wonderful summer, out all the time, touring the city and enjoying it. Now it's really cold and I experienced real snow for the first time this year. Bow wow...... it was great!! Mom was shocked and Nanna laughed and laughed while I pranced around in the snow and sniffed it, and ate it!! And I kept running and running and running through it. But I had to stop because it started to really clog up on my legs and then turned all icy..... wahhhhh I tried to bite it off but it wouldn't work so they took me home, put me up on the counter and mom used her blow dryer to melt it off slowly. Boy I was such a mess but I had a great time up until it all clogged up.
I'm going to go into heat any time again now too. Mom thinks it's going to happen during the holidays. She thinks she found me a boyfriend but if it happens during the holidays we'll have to wait until next time. People keep giving mom their name and phone numbers and addresses cause they want my kids but mom is hoping I only have one so my baby can go to Auntie Sheri who really wants a Ligia baby. :-)
Right now though, mom is thinking of taking me back to the vet yet again. Seems my times are all mixed up again. It started weeks ago when a neighbour was baby sitting her brother's Rottweiler and that dog howled from 10 pm until at least 4 am. Kept the whole floor up and no one was happy. Made all us other dogs on the floor bark too! Since then, every night around 3 or 4 am I wake right up and start to growl and bark until someone lets me out of my crate. I run around a bit, have a peepee maybe and then go to my nanna's bed and lay down there for the rest of the night. Usually. Sometimes I keep nanna up too. Mom can't figure out why I'm doing this and it's driving them both nuts.
Mom is so busy these days but I can't wait for her to put up the Christmas Tree. I really liked it last year and I was very good and never touched it!! In the New Year mom has said she is going to take me for obedience classes cause I still have a mind of my own and I still steal her socks and nanna's boots.
Well, that's enough for now...... mom wants the puter again cause she is having email problems and is cursing sympatico. lol