Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm forever playing catch up.... *sigh*

Mom is always busy on the computer or we are out and about and by the time I get home I just want to eat and sleep. It's been a very busy time and I'm playing catch up again.

My nanna is on the mend slowly, mom is still icky....... and I went to see my namesakes on Friday (Dr. Christopher Drabant and Ligia his technician) and I'm now on antibiotics for a bit of a red throat. Mom thinks I have allergies because I sneeze all the time and Bichon's can get regular seasonal allergies like people do. She says it's gross when I run up behind her and then sneeze all over her legs *snicker* Dr. D. thinks it might be allergies too so he gave me some medicine in a needle and I took it like a big girl and didn't even whine.

So now I get medicine for the next 10 days and mom has to watch and let him know if I'm all better. I'm sure I will be. I got to see Ligia too :-) I love Ligia and Dr. D. While I was waiting to be seen I explored the new kitties in the room. Awwwww they are so sweet and little. Jolene came over and got me and took me to the scales too. Boy oh boy, mom was right, I'm getting to be a little tubby. I now weigh 4.8 k's or 10.5 lbs!!! I'm getting all grown up and I now have all my adult teeth too!

After that I went to see Carol the groomer. I am always very good for Carol and this is how I looked when I got home...

Mom was trying to get my 'smile' but instead it looks like I winked and smiled at her :-) My hair was in my eye. Do you like my pretty yellow bandana?

OK mom..... are you finished yet? After these pictures you can see I ran over to my Nanna for a snuggle. Nanna gives me lots and lots of loves :-)

Can you tell how short my fur is? Mom told Carol to cut it down more. Last time we cut it about halfway down but in 6 weeks it was fully grown back and then some. Even my ears look shorter.

We are getting ready to go out again. Mom is moving around the place getting ready. On Tuesday is her seniors program and the Minister of Health George Smitherman is going to come and be the Celebrity Chef again for her seniors that attend the socials she holds. He has done this before too. Mom says I can put up pictures of it when she downloads them so everyone can see George helping our seniors. So today we do lots of running around doing errands and running in the park, then groceries for the social then visiting...... *whew*, I think mom is trying to tucker me out.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mom drags me everywhere!!

Mom has been taking me everywhere lately so I've not had much time to type. And neither has she. Mom is also sick and they say she just might be out of remission so when she isn't running around like a chicken with it's head chopped off she's laying down cause she's really tired at times. She'll find out what is going on soon though and will get all fixed up :-) She says 'been there, done that'..... and she's ok with it.

I've learned how to ride on the floor of mom's scooter!! And I like it too!! And I'm learning how to run beside it as well. What fun that is. Sometimes I run so fast my little legs make me fly almost and mom has to scooter beside me real fast....... varooooooooommmmmmmm

I'm still not doing my business out on the balcony and it's getting cool out so mom is getting worried that I won't train for the winter....... yikes!!! She says I have to learn to do my business on the balcony instead of on the pee pads. So she put pee pads out on the balcony but I find it really fun to rip them to shreds instead :-)

We've been everywhere lately because mom also got a $32,000 grant to run her seniors program so it has meant many changes in what we do. One of my favourite things to do is go to the Senior's Bingo with mom! She calls the numbers for them sometimes or just helps with checking winning cards but I get to go with her and the old ladies love me!!! *grins* I get lots of love from them. So, now mom is shopping. Shopping for things for the new programs that she will be having. The old program is really being extended. Now the seniors will be getting free fresh fruit and veggies to take home, they also will get birthday presents and cake, yoga and relaxation exercises, dances, seasonal activities and I'll be able to go to some too!!!

These pictures are for Precious :-) On the left is Lambchop. On the right is Lambchop and his mom Shari Lewis. See? You can't eat Lambchop.

We have also been in the park a lot playing and making friends. Some silly person gave mom a Tiara and wand and I thought it was really funny and was jumping at it. Mom has a picture somewhere so I'll try to get it to put it here too.

My nanna is getting better but her hip is still really sore. Poor Nanna. And last night at 2:30 am I started to throw up and mom doesn't know why! She says she is beside herself about it. I have two moms???????? I threw up lots of little bits of throw up. Not much but it worries my mom. Then I did it again around 4 am........ and again around 8:30 am..... Mom didn't get much sleep cause she was worried about me but in between, I'm my old self and wag my tail and take her my squeeky toy and lay down and nap. Mom says she's baffled and doesn't know whether or not to take me to my Vet.

That's all for now...... just really busy at this end and out playing too :-)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I was over at Maggie & Mitch's blog and they were playing a game called Scattergories. So I decided to try the game while mom was getting ready to go out.

The rules are: You use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions. They must be real places, names, things…nothing made up! If you can’t think of anything, skip it. You can’t use your own name for the boy/girl name question. I know my name is Christaligia but I answer to Ligia too so I'm using the letter L.

1. Famous Singer -- Luciano Pavarotti
2. Four Letter Word -- LOVE
3. Street – Logan
4. Color -- Lavender
5. Gifts -- Lace scarf
6. Vehicle -- Lamborgini
7. Things in a souvenir shop – License plates
8. Boy name -- Luca
9. Girl name -- Lucrezia
10. Movie Title -- Lethal Weapon
11. Drink -- Lemonade
12. Occupation -- Lawyer
13. Celebrity – Liam Neeson
14. Magazine – Ladies Home Journal
15. U. S. city – Lubbock, Tx = and since I'm Canadian, Cdn City = London
16. Pro sports – Leafs (Toronto Maple)
17. Fruit -- Lemon
18. Reason for being late for work – Lazy
19. Something You Throw Away -- leftovers (old ones)
20. Things You Shout – Look!!!
21. Cartoon Character -- Lambchop

Monday, September 3, 2007

one more post.......

Whew..... my paws are getting tired...... Last Tuesday I forgot to tell you, I met a man named Laine. He works at a place called "Who's Walking Who". Something about 'dog obedience'.... hmmmm he came over for an hour and a half to our home and taught my mom and nanna some things about how to get me to do what they want. I really liked Laine, we played and he was very nice.

Mom and nanna are really pleased. They say I play well now. I know how to bring the ball, drop it and walk away and sit down so they can pick it up and throw it again :-) This is really good because I used to nip hard when they tried to pick up the ball and throw it to play.

Also, I learned what "down" means too! Now when I jump on the sofa and they say "down", they don't even have to touch me to get me to go down. Occasionally they do still but it's a lot better now mom says. I think this is a game at times still though and jump right back up but I then get right back down too.

And............. I'm learning to do my business where I'm suppose to!!! Lots of times outside and I'm learning to use the balcony at times too. It's still a struggle but is getting lots better.

Laine taught my mom and nanna lots of stuff to teach me to make things easier and mom says she's happy she had him come. He left her a book too to review if things go wrong but so far, so good :-)

Monday September 3rd, 2007

It's been a very busy few days. Yesterday we went down to the waterfront again. I love it there. I met a nice man who played with me for a while over by the giant sand box with the yellow umbrella's on the waterfront. And I met a little black poodle who was lots of fun. Silly mom didn't take any pictures this day. We went everywhere including the Music Garden. There were beautiful flowers there called "Winter Hibiscus". Huge beautiful flowers. Mom has some pics of them on the computer she'll try and find. Later that night we went to the U. of T. and I played and played with Lily :-) She is a beautiful doggie and boy does she like to play. We ran our little paws off.

Today we had way more fun too! We went to the park over by the U. of T. On the way we met a wonderful new friend named Cooper. Cooper is a 9 month old puppy and we played together for over a 1/2 hour, lots of jumping and playing. People stopped and watched and laughed at us. Then when we got to the U. of T. park there were more puppies!!!!! Wow...... I've never played this much in a day before. I played with Elmo and Pebbles. Elmo was full of spunk and let me jump all over him. He was lots of fun. And another puppy too!

On the way out of the park heading home I saw my boyfriend...... KiKi!!! YEAHHHHH we ran into Kiki and NuNu oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. It's been a couple of weeks since we've seen them and I was so excited!! We jumped all over each other and Kiki and I even got up on our hind legs and danced together!!! I wish my mom took pictures. Maybe next time but I had so much fun it didn't matter.

I can't wait to see all my new friends again and my old ones. I hope it's very, very soon.

Btw, I'm no longer nice and white and fluffy........ I've learned how to roll in the grass and play and play and I'm looking dirty and scruffy but that's ok too mom says :-) I'm getting a bath soon.

August 25th, 2007 (more catch up)

Wow what a day we had this day!! I learned a new trick. It's called going up and down stairs! Mom says I'm so talented *smiles*..... Actually she called me "smarty pants". I don't know if that's quite the same thing. Look at me!!

See this guy? He was at the top of the stairs. He was rude. He wouldn't talk to me, or even look at me!! I even barked at him and nothing....... hmmmmm

Later that day, in the early evening I found a new friend in the park. We played and played for a long while. See what fun we had!

August 22nd, 2007 (playing more catch up)

On August 22nd we had company overnight. My mom's sister Sheri, and Sheri's daughter Tiffany, and Tiffany's new 4 mth old daughter Paige. My mom and nanna haven't seen Tiffany for a few years and have never seen Paige yet so they all came visiting :-) This is my nanna's 12th or 13th great-grandchild. This is Paige!!

Isn't she beautiful?? I think she is.

This is Paige having fun in a thing called a "jolly jumper". She was jolly alright. I was having fun watching her and running around her while she was bouncing.

Auntie Sheri also brought Ebony with her!! Yeahhhhh I love Ebony. I love her so much that I jumped on her and she doesn't like that cause she is getting old. Ebby growled at me, and put me in my place so after that I followed her around the apt. like a lost puppy for the next 24 hours while they were here :-) Ebby let me snuggle a few times :-) This is a picture of Ebony and one of Ebony and me :-)

When they all left the next day I was very sad :-( After they packed up and left I went to my crate where I thought of how much I missed them already. It was so much fun having them for a whole day and playing with them, and going for walks. Here is how I looked after they left. Mom said I looked so sad.